Finding the right role for you is a search engine for all advertised NSW Government vacancies.  The site features thousands of job opportunities across the public sector, including full-time, part-time and contract roles, job share opportunities and roles with flexible working arrangements. Users can also browse for jobs by category, salary range, agency and location. 

NSW public sector roles are graded according to legislation. Each grade forms the basis for a job’s pay (also referred to as ‘remuneration’) and its key accountabilities.  The Veterans Employment Program has developed the NSW Government Rank to Grade Guide to help veterans understand how ADF ranks align with NSW Government job grades.  There is also a companion guide that aligns ranks with Local Government roles. Hiring managers can also use these guides to get an understanding of how ADF skills and experience align with government roles.

The guides can be used as a starting point to your new career. Remember to consider all your skills and work experience gained before, during and since leaving the military when using the guides. If you feel you meet a job’s criteria, submit a job application.

NSW Government Rank to Grade Guide

Local Government Rank to Grade Guide also provides useful information on the NSW Government recruitment process and explains how to apply for a public sector role.

There is no equivalent primary search engine for Local Government employment. However roles may be advertised on LG Assist and at Careers at Council. We also recommend signing up for job alerts on your local council’s web page.