NSW Government

NSW Government

NSW Office for Veterans Affairs

Committed to ensuring our veterans are honoured with dignity and respect. OVA manages state based programs commemorating and assisting veterans and their families in collaboration with all NSW Government agencies, the Australian Government and community stakeholders OVA also leads the heritage and commemoration activities, targeted programs and grants that support veterans to access employment and education opportunities that are critical for long-term wellbeing. OVA is responsible for ensuring the delivery of the NSW Government's first Veterans strategy 2001-2024 and the key area of coordination and knowledge for the NSW contribution to the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide. 

Service NSW

A range of programs, services and concessions are available for veterans and their families to help them transition from military to civilian life, and to assist with the cost of living. Some services, programs and concessions are available to all veterans, while others are only available to veterans who meet specific requirements, such as holding a Gold Card embossed with Totally and Permanently Incapacitated (TPI) or Extreme Disability Adjustment (EDA). 


Return to Work Toolkit

The NSW Government return to work toolkit brings together a range of trusted online resources to help women find reliable information on entering or re-entering the workforce, upskillling or starting a business.